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Publish Date: January 2024
Version: 0.0.0


In the landscape of digital innovation, the $YASSIR token emerges as a new model, introducing the concept of personal tokens and tokenized personal networks

This paper delves into the intricacies of the Personal Tokens Model, redefining the way individuals engage with their personal networks. The $YASSIR token, tethered to the dynamic persona of Yassir Haouati, serves as a digital asset facilitating direct, personalized economic relationships within a decentralized ecosystem.

Exploring the foundations of personal tokens, we cover the unique features that set them apart in the digital space. This paper elucidates the workings of personal tokens, employing blockchain technology to establish transparent, secure ledgers for transactions. Key components of the personal token system, such as economic alignment, decentralization, and exclusive access, form the backbone of this transformative model.

The purpose of the $YASSIR token is meticulously examined, aiming to foster direct engagement, empower the personal network, enhance network loyalty, and contribute to the creation of a decentralized ecosystem. We meticulously dissect the challenges of traditional personal network engagement models, demonstrating the imperative need for a paradigm shift.

Delving into the technical aspects, the $YASSIR token’s core principles, functionalities, smart contract model, and tokenomics model are presented in detail. 

As we embark on this insightful journey into the $YASSIR ecosystem model and stakeholders. Through comprehensive stakeholder analysis and token use cases, we elucidate how the $YASSIR Personal Token System nurtures a decentralized and interconnected digital environment.

Get 1,000 $YASSIR tokens by Joining my Tokenized Personal Network


The Personal Tokens Model

The Personal Tokens Model signifies a paradigmatic evolution in the realm of digital engagement, introducing a groundbreaking economic model tailored to the distinct persona and offerings of an individual. This section provides a comprehensive overview of the revolutionary concept of personal tokens and the tokenized personal networks they fuel.

We embark on an exploration of what sets a Personal Token apart, elucidating the unique characteristics that differentiate it within the digital landscape. As we delve into the mechanics, we unravel the intricate workings of Personal Tokens, showcasing how these cryptographic assets, rooted in blockchain technology, establish direct and personalized economic relationships.

The subsequent sections dissect the key components of the Personal Token System, intricately detailing the economic alignment, decentralization, and exclusive access that form the foundational pillars of this transformative model. Through an analytical lens, we present the purpose of the $YASSIR token, outlining its strategic objectives in fostering direct engagement, empowering personal networks, enhancing network loyalty, and contributing to the creation of decentralized ecosystems.

What sets a Personal Token apart?

Personal Tokens, at their core, are cryptographic assets—smart contracts intricately linked to an individual. These contracts pave the way for a direct and personalized economic connection between the creator and their personal network.

Operating on the secure foundations of blockchain technology, these tokens ensure a transaction ledger that is not just secure but transparent. This technological backbone adds a layer of trust to the economic relationships forged through Personal Tokens.

Diverging from conventional digital currencies, Personal Tokens carry a unique distinction. They are an inseparable extension of an individual’s brand, expertise, and the distinctive value they contribute to their network.

Personal Tokens transcend the ordinary, providing a secure, transparent, and inherently personalized economic model for forging meaningful connections within personal networks.

How Personal Tokens Work?

The mechanism behind Personal Tokens is both intricate and elegant. Each Personal Token encapsulates a unit of value that is exclusively redeemable within the creator’s ecosystem. This value could manifest in various forms, such as accessing premium content, exclusive services, or participating in personalized campaigns initiated by the token issuer.

The creation of Personal Tokens typically involves a token generation event, where tokens are distributed based on predefined criteria. The transactions and ownership of these tokens are recorded on a blockchain, ensuring transparency and traceability.

Key Components of the Personal Token System
Economic AlignmentPersonal Tokens align the economic incentives of the creator and their personal network. As the creator’s influence and offerings grow, so does the value of the Personal Tokens, fostering a symbiotic relationship.
DecentralizationOperating on blockchain technology ensures a decentralized and tamper-resistant ledger. This decentralization promotes trust, security, autonomy, and automation in the Personal Tokens ecosystem.
Exclusive AccessPersonal Tokens grant exclusive access to the creator’s digital products, services, or campaigns. This exclusivity enhances the engagement and loyalty of the personal network.

The personal tokens model signifies a transformative approach to personal branding and personal network engagement.

Purpose of $YASSIR Token

The Personal Token model emerges as a strategic and innovative solution for personal branding and direct engagement. This section delves into the goals and specific objectives driving the implementation of the $YASSIR token.

Fostering Direct Engagement

The primary goal of the $YASSIR token is to establish a direct and meaningful connection between Yassir Haouati and his personal network. By providing a cryptographic representation of value in the form of $YASSIR tokens, the system aims to enhance the level of engagement, creating a more personalized and rewarding experience for the personal network of Yassir.

Empowering the Personal Network

A core objective is to empower Yassir’s personal network by offering them a stake in his digital ecosystem. The $YASSIR token becomes a tangible asset that community members can utilize within Yassir’s ecosystem, unlocking access to exclusive content, services, and participation in a private network communication server to automate personal network members introductions.

Enhancing Network Loyalty

Through the $YASSIR token system, the focus is on strengthening the bond between Yassir Haouati and his personal network. By providing incentives in the form of $YASSIR tokens, the system aims to cultivate a loyal and supportive network that actively participates in Yassir’s ecosystem growth.

Creating a Decentralized Ecosystem

The $YASSIR token system aspires to contribute to the creation of a decentralized and transparent ecosystem. By utilizing blockchain technology, the system ensures secure and traceable transactions, fostering trust and autonomy within the network.

Problematic - Personal Network Engagement

Traditional personal network engagement models encounter several challenges and limitations that hinder the creation of a truly dynamic and rewarding interaction. This section critically assesses the existing paradigms and articulates the need for a paradigm shift towards a more direct, decentralized, and rewarding engagement system embodied by the $YASSIR Personal Token.

Challenges of Traditional Models

Intermediaries and Friction

Traditional personal network engagement often involves intermediaries, creating friction in the form of transaction costs, delays, and complexity. The need for third-party validation and approval mechanisms can impede the seamless flow of interactions within a network.

Limited Incentivization

Conventional models struggle to provide adequate incentivization for active participation within personal networks. Users may find themselves lacking tangible rewards or recognition for their contributions, resulting in a diminished sense of community involvement.

Lack of Direct Value Representation

Traditional engagement models frequently lack a direct representation of value within the personal network. This absence makes it challenging for participants to quantify and appreciate the impact of their contributions, leading to a potential disconnect.

Centralized Control

Many existing models are characterized by centralized control, where the rules and rewards are dictated by a central authority. This centralization diminishes user autonomy and may not align with the diverse preferences and expectations within a dynamic personal network.


The Need for Transformation

Fast and Direct Transactions

The personal token model addresses the challenge of intermediaries by leveraging blockchain technology. Through decentralized and transparent transactions, it eliminates unnecessary friction, allowing for seamless interactions within the personal network.

Incentivizing Meaningful Engagement

By introducing a personal token, the system provides a clear and tangible incentive for active participation. Personal network members are rewarded directly with tokens that hold real value within the token owner’s ecosystem, fostering a sense of appreciation and motivation.

Quantifiable and Recognizable Contributions

The personal token becomes a quantifiable representation of value. Contributors can see the direct impact of their actions on their token balance, creating a transparent and recognizable measure of their engagement and influence.

Decentralized Advantage

Embracing decentralization, the personal token model empowers the decentralization and automation of personal network members introductions. This shift ensures that the personal network operates, based on digital communication servers such as Discord, allowing access on a token-ownership basis and opening doors for decentralization and automation of introductions between personal network members.


“The problematic nature of traditional personal network engagement models necessitates a transformative approach. The personal token model emerges as a solution, mitigating challenges and providing a framework for a more direct, decentralized, and rewarding engagement system.”

$YASSIR - Yassir’s Personal Token

About Yassir Haouati

Hailing from Meknès-Morocco, Yassir’s journey into technology began with the guidance of his father, a Computer Science professor. From early programming languages like Pascal to the intricate C language, Yassir’s curiosity thrived.As technology advanced, so did Yassir’s skills. Venturing into Graphic Design around 2010, he progressed to Web Design and Web2 development, mastering various languages and frameworks to stay at the forefront of technology.

Yassir’s skill set expanded to Online Marketing by 2010. He optimized websites for organic traffic and strategically placed ads to generate revenue, showcasing a practical understanding of the digital landscape. In 2013, while still in high school, Yassir began freelancing, demonstrating proficiency in Python, Java, and C++. His journey led him to explore web3/blockchain development with Solidity and AI in 2019, diversifying his skill set. At 19, Yassir pursued studies at ENSEM in Nancy, France, specializing in Digital Systems Engineering. This included a challenging Mathematics & Physics program, highlighting Yassir’s dedication to academic excellence. In 2018, an exchange program took Yassir to Barcelona, Spain, broadening his academic horizons and enriching his perspective on innovation and research. The culmination of Yassir’s academic journey in 2020 included earning a Passport of Talents related to an innovative economic project by the French government and graduating from the European Commission’s Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program.

Fast forward to 2024, at the age of 26, Yassir stands as the Co-Founder of Brickken, a European leader in RWA tokenization and digital assets management. Additionally, he is the founder of Blokrypt Ventures, a Decentralized I4.0 early-stage VC. This phase of his journey exemplifies not only technological expertise but also leadership in shaping the future of decentralized technologies and venture capital.

Token Information

Token Ticker


Token Standard


Token Supply


Token Value 

(within Yassir Haouati’s ecosystem)

€0.01 (EUR)

Blockchain Network


Token Smart Contract Address


Token Core Principles

The $YASSIR token is rooted in a set of core principles that underpin its design and operation. These principles encompass:


At the heart of the $YASSIR token is a commitment to decentralization. Leveraging blockchain technology, the token operates on a decentralized network, free from the constraints of centralized authorities. This decentralization ensures transparency, autonomy, and inclusivity within Yassir Haouati’s personal network.


The token introduces a robust incentivization mechanism to spur meaningful engagement within the personal network. Users actively participating in Yassir’s ecosystem are rewarded with $YASSIR tokens, fostering a symbiotic relationship where contributions are acknowledged and valued.

Quantifiable Representation

$YASSIR tokens serve as a quantifiable representation of value within the digital ecosystem curated by Yassir Haouati. Contributors can discern the direct impact of their engagements, as each token becomes a tangible measure of their influence and involvement.

Direct Value Exchange

Facilitating seamless and direct transactions, the $YASSIR token eliminates intermediaries, reducing transaction costs, delays, and complexity. This direct value exchange ensures a fluid and efficient flow of interactions, enriching the personal network experience.


Token Functionalities

The $YASSIR token introduces key functionalities that elevate the overall engagement experience:

Access Control

Token ownership grants individuals access to exclusive features within Yassir’s personal network. This access control mechanism ensures that participants with $YASSIR tokens enjoy a tiered and personalized experience, tailored to their level of engagement.

Automated Introductions

Embracing decentralization, the token model introduces automation in personal network introductions. Through the private digital communication server (hosted on Discord), introductions become seamless and efficient, opening avenues for spontaneous connections within the decentralized ecosystem.

Value-driven Transactions

Beyond a mere representation of value, $YASSIR tokens can be utilized for transactions within the token owner’s digital products and services. This extends the utility of the token, creating a tangible link between engagement and the acquisition of valuable digital assets.


Token System Model

$YASSIR Smart Contract Model

Smart Contract Components

Token Name


The token name is a string identifier assigned to the $YASSIR token. In the smart contract, it is designated as “YASSIR Token.”

Token Symbol


The token symbol is a shorthand representation of the $YASSIR token within the Ethereum network. It is denoted as “YASSIR.”



The decimals parameter defines the number of decimal places the $YASSIR token can be divided into. It is set to 18, adhering to the standard Ethereum convention.

Total Supply


The total supply parameter determines the maximum number of $YASSIR tokens that can ever exist. In the $YASSIR Smart Contract, this value is set as unlimited, allowing for flexibility and scalability.


Mapping address => UINT256

The balances mapping tracks the token balance of each Ethereum address participating in the $YASSIR ecosystem. It ensures accurate and secure record-keeping of token ownership.


Mapping address => Mapping address => UINT256

The allowed mapping facilitates controlled transfers by recording the approved allowances for specific addresses. It is a crucial component for enabling secure and authorized token transactions.


Token Transfer Functions

(address to, uint256 value)


This function allows the direct transfer of $YASSIR tokens from the sender’s address to the specified recipient. It ensures the seamless exchange of tokens within the personal network.

(address spender, uint256 value)


The approve function authorizes a designated address (spender) to withdraw a specific amount of $YASSIR tokens from the sender’s account. It is a key element in enabling controlled and secure token transactions.

(address from, address to, uint256 value)


This function facilitates token transfers on behalf of the owner. It is essential for scenarios where a third party is approved to transfer tokens from the owner’s address to another.


Event Logging



The Transfer event is triggered whenever $YASSIR tokens are transferred from one address to another. It logs relevant details such as the sender, recipient, and the amount of tokens transferred.



The Approval event is emitted when the approve function is executed, providing transparency on approved allowances for token transfers.


Security Measures

Access Control

The $YASSIR Smart Contract incorporates access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized entities can execute critical functions. This enhances the overall security of the token system.

Secure Token Operations

Measures are implemented to prevent potential vulnerabilities, such as reentrancy attacks and overflow/underflow issues, safeguarding the integrity of $YASSIR token operations.

The $YASSIR Smart Contract Model encapsulates a sophisticated framework built on the ERC-20 standard, establishing the foundation for secure, transparent, and efficient token transactions within Yassir Haouati’s personal network.

$YASSIR Tokenomics Model

Token Distribution

Claim Mechanism

The $YASSIR token distribution initiates through a multifaceted claim mechanism. Participants can acquire tokens by subscribing to Yassir’s newsletter, downloading litepapers published by Yassir, and other activities. This mechanism ensures a broad and inclusive distribution across Yassir Haouati’s expanding network.

Total Supply

The $YASSIR token operates with an unlimited total supply. This design choice promotes flexibility and scalability, accommodating the dynamic growth of Yassir Haouati’s personal network without constraints.


Token Utilities

Access to Digital Products and Services

The primary utility of the $YASSIR token resides in its function as a medium of exchange for accessing Yassir Haouati’s digital products and services. Token holders can utilize their $YASSIR balance to unlock complimentary and discounted offerings, including but not limited to digital books, consulting sessions, and other exclusive content.

Access to private network communication server

Utilize $YASSIR tokens to gain entry into Yassir Haouati’s private communication server, fostering direct interaction and collaboration within the network.


Economic Dynamics

Incentivization for Network Growth

The tokenomics model incentivizes active participation and network expansion. Individuals are motivated to claim $YASSIR tokens by the prospect of accessing valuable digital products and services, fostering organic growth within Yassir Haouati’s personal network.

Economic Feedback Loop

As the personal network grows, the economic feedback loop strengthens. Increased engagement, coupled with the circulation of $YASSIR tokens, contributes to the overall vibrancy and sustainability of the ecosystem.


Strategic Considerations

While the whitepaper provides an overview of the $YASSIR tokenomics, certain strategic considerations, particularly those related to backend operations, have been intentionally omitted from public disclosure. This approach is aligned with Yassir Haouati’s overarching strategy to maintain a level of exclusivity and controlled access to certain aspects of the token system.

$YASSIR Ecosystem Model

The $YASSIR Ecosystem operates as a dynamic and decentralized network where each stakeholder plays a crucial role. Token holders leverage $YASSIR tokens to access Yassir Haouati’s digital offerings, creating a direct and value-driven engagement model. Yassir Haouati, as the founder and controller, governs the ecosystem by setting tokenomics rules and parameters, ensuring a harmonious and sustainable operation.

Managers, integral to the ecosystem, facilitate day-to-day operations, ensuring its health and growth. Partners, collaborating individuals / entities, contribute to the network’s expansion and, in return, earn incentives in the form of $YASSIR tokens. 


Stakeholder Description

Token Use Cases

Token Holders

Individuals/Entities possessing $YASSIR tokens, constituting the user base or Yassir’s Network

Access digital products, services, exclusive content, and private communication server

Yassir Haouati

Founder and controller of the network

Govern the ecosystem, set tokenomics rules and parameters


Individuals/Entities in Yassir’s team managing and governing the ecosystem

Facilitate day-to-day operations, ensuring ecosystem health


Entities partnering with Yassir, contributing to the network’s growth

Collaborate, contribute to the network, and earn incentives


This collaborative approach fosters a vibrant community and stimulates the ecosystem’s development.

The $YASSIR ecosystem model embodies principles of decentralization, transparency, and direct value exchange. It establishes a framework where each stakeholder, driven by their unique roles and incentives, collaborates to create a thriving and interconnected digital environment.

Tech Entrepreneur &
Digital Systems Engineer

Yassir's entrepreneurial journey began at 16yo (2013) in Meknès-Morocco 🇲🇦, diving into freelancing in the worlds of web development, data science, digital marketing, and growth hacking. In 2020, Yassir co-founded Brickken in Barcelona-Spain 🇪🇸, the leading Real-World Assets (RWA) tokenization and digital assets management software suite. Armed with a background in Digital Systems Engineering (ENSEM Nancy-France 🇫🇷) and a Master's in Innovation and Research in Informatics (FIB-UPC Barcelona-Spain 🇪🇸), Yassir have been a perpetual innovator. From crafting ecommerce stores to developing mobile apps, founding a growth marketing agency in Nancy-France 🇫🇷, to diving into web3, RPA, AI, and ML solutions, Yassir's journey reflects a commitment to pushing tech innovation boundaries.

Previously built and worked with innovative global companies in 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇰🇷 🇧🇪 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇬🇧

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